Tagged: Grains

Soy from Brazil

In Brazil, according to the Brazilian agricultural authority CONAB (Companhia Nacional de Abastecimento), a record harvest of 135.5 million tons is expected for the harvest period 20/21 for Soybeans on an area of 38.5 million hectares. This corresponds to an increase of 10.7 million tonnes (8.6%) compared to the 19/20 harvest.

Yellow Corn (Maize)

With almost 110 million tons of annual production (harvest 2020/21), Brazil is the third largest producer of corn in the world after the USA and China. Both genetically modified (GMO) and non-genetically manipulated (non-GMO) maize are produced, with GMO maize making up the majority at around 90%. Summer and winter harvests are possible in the most important Brazilian growing areas.