Tagged: Export

Soy from Brazil

In Brazil, according to the Brazilian agricultural authority CONAB (Companhia Nacional de Abastecimento), a record harvest of 135.5 million tons is expected for the harvest period 20/21 for Soybeans on an area of 38.5 million hectares. This corresponds to an increase of 10.7 million tonnes (8.6%) compared to the 19/20 harvest.

Brazilian Sugar

Brazil is the world’s largest producer of sugar and ethanol products.
We source our sugar from sugar factories in Brazil that produce sugar and ethanol products used in local and international markets.

Yellow Corn (Maize)

With almost 110 million tons of annual production (harvest 2020/21), Brazil is the third largest producer of corn in the world after the USA and China. Both genetically modified (GMO) and non-genetically manipulated (non-GMO) maize are produced, with GMO maize making up the majority at around 90%. Summer and winter harvests are possible in the most important Brazilian growing areas.

Soy Proteins

With consistent high-quality and nutritional value, our SOY PROTEINS have functional and sensory characteristics which maximise its potential in meat and non-meat ingredient applications.